Art Director driven to move people through storytelling.

Great stories move people. They inspire laughter, tears, engagement, purchases, community involvement, and much more.

In today's competitive landscape, brands seek to distinguish themselves by eliciting such emotional responses. My Art Direction specializes in crafting those moments that resonate deeply with audiences and move them. If you want to be a great brand, you have to tell a great story.

Here are a few examples:

With REI, I moved adventurers to connect with REI’s outdoor expertise via a campaign that portrays their brand associates as wild animals with real expert instincts.

With Glossier, I moved women over 40 to embrace their authentic selves, emphasizing that nurturing their inner beauty helps their outer beauty shine. 

And with SpaceX, I transported thrill-seekers into a future of everyday space exploration, inviting them to imagine taking their extreme adventures into space.

Each project aims to move people, sparking connections and inspiring action through unforgettable storytelling.

Crafting a compelling story involves numerous elements, from the overarching concept to the smallest nuances, all working together to elicit specific responses from the audience. I infuse this blend of magic and meticulous attention into the art of Art Direction to ensure that your story resonates with your  audiences in meaningful ways.

Let’s work together to build a story that moves your audience.